The war rages in the shadows...
There is a war in the shadows...if you're going to win it, you'll need to assemble a powerful gang of vampires, and then use them to control the city, attack your opponent, and bleed all of your opponents dry.
If you take some hits yourself and are in need of a little healing (or just a snack), well, there will be plenty of potential victims in the streets of the yourself.
You own the night...
Most will never know of the battle raging in the darkness. Vast armies of the night warring for control of the city.
Build your gang of vampires...arm them with weapons...recruit (or intimidate) a few humans to aid up your vampiric abilities...and then go to war.
Attack your opponent to bleed their deck. But be careful: They'll be out for your blood, too. Restore a bit of health by stalking victims...but always be on the lookout for hunters.
Striking comic artwork...
savage battles